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Resilience Minds

We are very happy to offer a new series of Resilient Minds meetings in collaboration with the LIR and intresa.

Resilient Minds is a journal club style initative that aims to bring together (early career) researchers across disciplines to stimulate discussions about resilience. We offer an informal space for exchange where speakers present not only their research work, but also tell us a bit about their journey in academia. Presentations not only cover polished and published findings, but also ideas, methods, and any resilience research-related questions.

Our meetings take place monthly, usually on the 1st Thursday at 4 pm CE(S)T via Zoom.

Founded by Maximilian König and Laura Meine. Current organizers: Laura Meine, Ella McPherson, Renée Lipka, Anjana Madhavan Christine Leonards, India Sawyer. Get in touch with us at: 

Scientifica Workshop

HMZ’s flagship project “STRESS” organized a workshop “Stark dank Stress – Unser Gehirn verstehen und stark bleiben” at Scientifica 2023, on Sept 2nd and 3rd. During the workshop, experts Nora Raschle (Jacobs center, UZH), Anja Ollson (PUK, UHZ), Laura Meine (PUK, UHZ), Sarah Meissner (D-HEST, ETHZ) and Bianca Badii (D-HEST, ETHZ) spoke about stress, how it impacts the brain and which strategies we can use to deal with stress and build resilience.

WASAD 2023 – Plenary Session

Zurich translates Stress: New findings on understanding and treating stress from the HMZ flagship project STRESS.

During the WASAD conference in Zurich, Sept 12th 2023, researchers involved in the HMZ STRESS project presented the unique approach of the project, translating our understanding of stress and its impact from rodents to humans.