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From 2011 to 2024, Hochschulmedizin Zürich (HMZ) promoted cooperation between the two Universities and University Hospitals in Research and Education at the interface between basic biomedical sciences, natural sciences, engineering sciences, clinical research and medical care.

The simple partnership was dissolved at the end of 2024 and transferred to new structures. The strategic collaboration is bundled in the University Medicine Zurich (UMZH) network.

Most of the HMZ's Flagship Projects will continue, some of which have been transferred to the UMZH and/or are being further developed as part of The Loop Zurich projects.

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Weiterführende Informationen

Bild Hochschulplatz Zürich

Who is Who in Medical Research

The HMZ «Who is Who in Medical Research» compiles the information of more than 220 research groups at the level of professorships relevant for collaboration in the medical field.

Former HMZ Flagship Projects


Hochschulmedizin Zürich
Künstlergasse 15
CH-8001 Zurich

Phone: +41 44 634 47 48