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Project Lead

Prof. Isabelle Mansuy UZH / ETH Laboratory of Neuroepigenetics E-Mail

Prof. Birgit Kleim


Experimental Psychopathology and Psychotherapy E-Mail

Principal Investigators

Prof. Johannes Bohacek


Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience


Dr. Susanne Fischer


Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy


Prof. Todd Hare  UZH  Neuroeconomics and Human Development Group E-Mail
Prof. Michael Krauthammer  UZH / USZ  Department of Quantitative Biomedicine E-Mail
Dr. Bogdan Mateescu  UZH / ETH  Brain Research Institute E-Mail
Prof. Urs Meyer  UZH  Institute of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology E-Mail
Prof. Francesco Paneni  UZH / USZ  Center for Molecular Cardiology E-Mail
Prof. Nora Raschle  UZH  Jacobs Center for Productive Youth Development E-Mail
Prof. Christian Ruff  UZH  Neuroeconomics and Decision Neuroscience Group E-Mail
Prof. Erich Seifritz  UZH / PUK  Department of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, and Psychosomatics E-Mail
Prof. Nicole Wenderoth  ETH  Neural Control of Movement Lab E-Mail

Associated Research Groups